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Fantage Winter Freeze! January 25, 2014

Posted by astrid in Uncategorized.

Picture 5


So if you live in North America, you might remember that Polar Vortex that went through, and how cold it was. I have a theory that Fantage got inspired by that to release this event…

As usual, there are Limited items, but lets look at the Ice Rink thats opened on the beach, and the limited crops you can plant in your Fantage garden!

Picture 8

Heres the ice rink at the Beach. My only problem here is that if you look around, the seashell collecting is still here….

Picture 7  Haha… Niiiiiice

Now, if you go to your farm, (either at your house first, or you can click the button to take you there in your idphone), you can grow the limited plants

Picture 10 Picture 15

The Freezia plant and the Peppermint Pine tree are in the back of both their tabs, and you can grow them for A LOT more EXP than the rest of the plants (For the trees, its a bit different)

I HIGHLY RECCOMEND you grow the Freezia plant, because it really helps you level up your farm medal quickly. I planted five, and gained four levels.

Keep warm in the winter everyone! See you soon!



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